It’s been a while

As I said, it’s been a while. I didnt play that much WoW in the end, I dont think I played more than a week more after last post. What I did do, however, was play in the various Beta’s for New World. I’m not sure how much I can talk about my different experiences and discoveries though – not because I’m under any NDA, but because they’ve been Betas; it’s bound to be changed until launch.

Which, by the way, have been pushed up a couple of times. In the end, the launch is September 28th – or so they say so far. I hope that they dont change it, but then again, there was a good amount of bugs in the last Beta that they need to squash, so it’s not impossible that they need more time anyway. Which is understandable, but annoying. At this point, I’ve played through the games opening that many times I feel almost burnt out on it. It wouldn’t be as bad if it was by my own choice to create more characters, but all these wipes after a Beta is wearing me down a bit. Why play if all my progress gets deleted with frequent and irregular intervals? The open Beta this summer had a two week window, and I got pretty far, had loads of fun – but the last Beta were only spanning four different days. Atleast there’s only ~two weeks left until launch now.

At this point, I’m not sure what I want. On one hand, I want them to postpone the game for as long as they actually need to, finish the game to where the bugs arent gamebreaking atleast, polish everything up – but dont give us a date that will need to be pushed up, constantly. This is what I feel they’ve been doing so far, and I’m fine with it – except the constant date-to-push-up deal. On the other hand, I kinda want them to release the game, and let us play, and let us keep all the progress we do, delete the griefers and exploit abusers progress – perhaps banning them – and update the game as they go. I expect them to do that anyway, but I feel like this wouldn’t be that far off from what they’ve been doing so far – except for the progress wipe.

I dont know. There’s so much going on behind the curtains that I dont know about, I really dont know which is more probable or even realistic. I just know two things – I want to play now, and I want to keep my progress instead of having it wiped constantly. That’s why I decided to stop participating in Betas, because at actual launch, I want to be able to immerse myself completely, instead of going two-three levels deep and just feel mehh.

Going on other details – Diablo 4 hasn’t really come out with much. Besides the three confirmed classes they’ve had, they added the Rogue. I’ve also been under the impression that the game was fairly close to launch – within a few years from when I heared about it, so say 2022? I’m now under the impression that it’s more like they went out with the disclosure that they were doing a D4 game when they decided to start working on it, for PR fixing, which means the game might not even be out until 2025. Perhaps later. All the other updates they’ve had on their Diablo 4 page has instead been all about Diablo 2 remake. Like.. yey.

A game I never played back in the day, a game I’m not interested in, a game I did try to play a few times but never got the compability to work. I tried the remake Beta a bit, I tried the Amazon class – which by the way drew a lot of complaints on how they rendered her – and honestly… I mean..

Yes. Sure. It was a lot better than I expected it to be – the classic graphics were pretty darn close to the actual classic game, I give them that, and the updated graphics made the game a whole lot easier to see and identify what was going on. I own the original games, and as I mentioned I always had issues to get the game working on PC – old games isn’t really compatible with new PC’s, and compability mode hasn’t really worked for me. I only got the game working if I didnt use fullscreen – and I refuse to play games in windowed mode, especially when said window is only a third of the actual monitor. I am still not interested in playing Diablo 2 remake.

Had I stumbled upon the remake before I tried to play D2 before, I might have been more interested, but at this time, I’m simply not interested. D2 Remake is a good…”ad” for the game, but not good enough that get your interest from zero to actually-interested-enough-to-buy. Atleast not my interest.

So, when it comes to Diablo news, I guess the latest is “hey, we’re still working pre-alpha stuff and we’re working hard because D4 was just announced out of the blue as a PR stunt, and while we wait 3 months between infodumps we also make D2remake and instead of dumping info about D4 we’re going to dump D2 info! let us work in peace until we’ve come far enough to actually announce D4 in the first place, then we can pretend it’s something we were actually working on!”. I hope I’m wrong, but that is what it seems like – to me, that is.

Kids got their schedule changed, by the way, the two youngest that is. Their mother hangs out with them a bit every day, and that means that she mostly helps me with dropping off and picking them up at daycare. So, the kindergarten talked to her and recommended her that the boys changed their schedule from three ours a day, five days a week, to three days a week, five hours at the time. The reason they gave her, was that the youngest one might need it, because it’s more of a disruption for him than anything else – he doesn’t have time enough to get comfortable at the daycare before their time is up and he’s going home, so they thought that maybe, if he gets more time each day, then he might finally settle in time before he’s picked up again. Seems reasonable enough – but that only adds to my suspicion that he, just as I, have a diagnosis. There’s always been small tells, which I’ve brought up with them at the kindergarten, and they’ve so far agreed to having seen those tells. I think I should try to open up an investigation about that at some point. Anyway, since they asked her about it, she said that they should call me about it – they haven’t, so I haven’t heard their reasoning or details myself, so eventually she went ahead and made the changes. I’m not adverse to the changes – but it does bother me a bit that noone seems to have asked me, that noone seems to have checked in with me about this. While I and her talked about it, noone else talked to me about it. Which is a but funny – and not in the haha-funny way. I don’t have beef with her now, but I wonder how much they will allow her to make changes on her own that affects me and the kids, without ever talking to me. That is the unsettling part.

As for myself, I’m slowly moving on to new territories. Because of the plague – if I’m allowed to use that word – everything goes so slowly. The Wheels of the Machinery turns very slow due to that, so everything gets old before next step comes along. It gets tedious, but it is what it is.

Oh, by the way – Wheels of Time on Amazon seems to release November 19th! I am so excited!

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