..except for me. I made the mistake of getting a bit too much sleep when I was putting the boys to bed at around 19:00. I woke up at ~22:30, cooked in my clothes. It felt awesome to get a bit of rest, not going to lie, however that screws up my entire sleep schedule, because I’m probably not going to be able to get some sleep for a bit now.
The reason I’m this exhausted, is because I decided to refurnish the apartment this weekend. Yes, the entire apartment. The only thing I havent moved, is my daughter’s bed, her wardrobe, desk and two of her bookshelves. Oh, and a shoe-shelf in the hallway. That is, if you’re not counting the freezers/refridgerator/washing machine. Other than that – yes, everything. Over the course of 48h, I’ve – with a lot of help from the Lady, ofcourse, so I havent done this single handedly – moved every piece of furniture we have, as well as all the tech and cable management, and such. This has forced me to use muscles I’ve forgotten I had, and I ache all over and I’m just simply exhausted.
Since friday afternoon, I moved the kitchen table and chairs, so instead of the table standing next to the window and forcing two chairs on the long side of the table to be directly infront of the dishwasher and sink, and the little guys chair be infront of the refridgerator (thus enabling him to grab the door and open it..), I just turned it around 90 degrees. Now, the little guy is infront of the sink, but further away from the counter than the regular chairs were, and instead of sitting infront of the dishwasher, I now have my back towards the window. It feels more spacious as well.
In the bedroom, we just moved the beds around to give the Lady more easy access to “in-and-out” because of her ischias issues, so she doesnt have to walk as long to reach her side of the bed. Also, the boys’ beds have switched sides now to be more accessible as well. Only downside is that my side of the bed is now furthest away from the door, where it was only 2 meters before – which I think is an entirely acceptable “drawback”. The way we have the bed placed now, the headboard is blocking the window from being able to open, which is both a downside as well as an upside – the downside is that we cant open the window, the upside is that…well, neither can the kids.
Because of how the cable management were done, the only way my daughter could have internet on the computer that she borrowed from her mom (the aforementioned Lady), was to have an ethernet cable pulled from the router into her room through the door, forcing her to be unable to actually close the door. She also rarely uses the computer anymore, since she’s playing games on console on her TV instead. So in order to let her be able to close the door, we removed the PC and ethernet cable, and we also changed the console she borrows (she had my PS4, she’s borrowing the Lady’s Xbox now instead). Thus, I had to move her TV-bench close to the outlet because of cables and the fact that the Xbox was larger than the PS4 so it couldnt fit on the TV-bench itself, so I also had to move one of her dressers close to the TV-bench to let the Xbox stand there instead. Then I promptly told her to tidy her room, because it was a mess!
The livingroom is where most of the energy went. Earlier, I had the computer desk at the furthest side of the room, just next to the ethernet outlets, next to the windows that is connected to the balcony. Next to the desk, we had a small “crafts table”, the sofa, with a fairly large clothes chest that had the lenght of it alongside the sofa and short end towards the wall pinned between the crafts table and the sofa, then we had a “book case corner” (two small book cases that enclosured the corner of the room – leaving a 0.5m x 0.5m gap on the floor being used for absolutely nothing), and going out from that corner-case (?), we had the Lady’s recordplayer and then the door entrance. Going from the balcony door, we had a large cedar coloured cabinet that held most of the Lady’s liqour and a water fountain tank, and infront of it we had the clothes rack. Next to the cabinet we had a thinner glassmonter where I had some Collectors Editions of games, my collectibles and some other stuff, then we had the kids toy drawers and table, then the TV-bench and a small cupboard that mostly placed there to cover the wall outlets.
Now, the computer desk stands in the lefthand corner from the door, so I had to pull a long cable from the ethernet outlet across the room along the wall. I hope that the little guy never finds that cable and pulls it..
That means that I now have the window that was above the sofa before on my right hand side, and the Lady’s old PC stands on the floor (I know, I want to lift it up from the floor but I have no way to do that right now) next to my desk, and the crafts table on the other side of it with her speakers, monitor, mouse and keyboard on it. On the other side of the window to my right, is that cedar cabinet, and just next to it we put the sofa. So except for directly underneath the window, the ethernet cable is held in place and out of view by the liquor cabinet and sofa atleast. Just infront of the sofa we put the kids play-table to act as both livingroom coffee-table as well as an area to play on, with the toy-drawer under the “balcony-side windows”. In the corner besides the actual balcony door I now have my “Collectibles-glassmonitor”, and going out from that corner alongside the wall is the TV-bench, the Lady’s recordplayer, the small cupboard and the two thin black bookcases that were in that corner I mentioned earlier. The clothes chest now sits infront of the TV-bench to “block access” to the consoles and cables from the little guy, and the clothes rack now occupies the wall besides the two book cases. To block, atleast the view, of the wall outlets that the cupboard blocked earlier, I put a small cooling chest. If the little guy ever gets close to the outlet to play with it, he needs to move that cooling chest first, which means there will be a lot of noise, so I can stop him then if not sooner. Ofcourse I have those outlet plugs for child safety, but there’s still the extention cord being used to power the TV and consoles there, and I dont want him to pull the plug.
The room feels alot bigger now – well, all three rooms does, kitchen, bedroom and living room, and it’s easier to move about. Earlier we had our bed so close to the big guy’s bed that there was basically no room to walk there to the Lady’s side of the bed, and it felt too “clustered” with beds. Now there’s actual walking space between the three beds (ours, the big guy’s and the crib). Which means that our dog now occupies said floorspace to lie on instead… You win some, you lose some.
Oh, and you can now reach the balcony without having to cross navigate everything and push and pull the clothes rack to get by. Which is a big win for me!
Now, my next project is to see if I can get a hold of a tub cheaply. I’d love to have one again, and it would be so much easier to give the boys a good scrubbing and to let them play with water alot easier. I mean, I love that the showerspace is so generous, but man I miss laying in a bath. Well, that, and to get my streaming situation fixed, it’s stuttering and pixely and all, and I do believe it’s a hardware issue, since my fiber is supposed to be 500/500, I’m fairly sure it’s not because of that. I think it’s because my PC cant be the gaming computer and the streaming computer, the CPU cant handle both at the same time.
(Dont tell the Lady, but that’s partly the reason why I ended up putting her PC next to mine, so that I’m going to use her old PC as the streaming PC when she’s not using it, and I’ll probably resort to using my own PC to as the streaming machine whenever I stream PS4/Switch games..)