..so ofcourse I sneak in a bit of typing here at the same time. One of the boys are asleep already, and the other one is not far off.
Just for funsies I was browsing some of those business sites, such as Amazon, eBay etc, and I came across these type of glasses for colourblind people, EnChroma I believe they were called?
Anyway, I got interested, so I googled and came across a test (yes, I know, it’s not scientific or medical or anything and should not be taken as such) where you could see if you had issues with colours.
Which I feel I do have – me and the Lady of the House often argue about hues and colours – and whenever I play a game I put in Colour Blind Mode if there is one, or if there’s multiple I usually take the Deuteranopia-option. It’s not that I *cant* see, it’s just that I have an issue distinguishing the colours sometimes and I have to actually spend time trying to make out – but sometimes I legitimately cannot see that it is one specific colour. It’s like it’s a red shirt so washed out that I couldnt even have guessed it was red, but rather lightish pink, or grey more like it. There’s a whole bunch of issues about it I have, and it’s just easier to put those options in wherever I can.
So, I found this test where you put in what number you could see in a circular dotted field, and…well… I’m not overly surprised this was the result.

It’s not like I *cant see* red. Or green. But certain shades is nearly impossible for me to make out. I have a grey shirt – I think it’s a wool shirt meant to use as a warming inner lining for winter use, and if I had more battery on my phone I could probably have brought it out of the winter storage and taken a picture for you – that me and the Lady argue about every once in a while. It’s not uncommon that my shoes or jackets are used by the members of this family for lazy reasons, such as using my jacket because it’s large and warm enough to use when they walk the dog or take out the trash and are too lazy to actually use their own jackets. So sometimes, my outerwear isnt where it’s supposed to be; hanging it back in the right place isnt done often.
Anyway, there I am, wanting my shirt/jacket, and I cant find it, so I ask if anyone has seen my grey zip-up shirt, and immediately I get corrected from across the home “It’s green!“. Sure, maybe it’s green for you, but whenever I look at it, it’s completely indistinguishable from grey.
I think it’s supposed to be a very dark camo-like/hunting green, but I could really not have guessed that. If I find it, either in the winter storage or online (or even the email receipt, I’ll be sure to put it up here, either a photo or the “correct name of the colour”.
Which is grey.